Skincare updated!

9:56 pm

 My skincare routine updated! With best results to date! I do not take credit for this routine, its based on information I have read, I have been complimented loads of late so thought I would share the skincare related love...

Cleanse - oil based cleanser.
Oil based cleansers are good for acne prone skin, because adding moisture to your skin helps regulate sebum levels, so skin produces less oil. Also oil based cleansers are good for dry skin - because it won't dry you out further. I am using Botanics Organic Hot Cloth Cleansing Balm.
 Double tone.
Firstly I use a exfoliating toner, fruit acids remove dead skin cells and help cell regeneration result clearer skin, cleaner pores, brighter complexion. Key here is do not over use and make sure you use sunscreen as it can make you photosensitive. I am using Clarins Gentle Brightening Toner.
Replenshing toner
I like La Roche Posay Serozinc you can only buy this in France, I order it from the internet, but you can use any kind of refreshing toner in spray form, rose water is nice, Thermale water is good as well. Use every morning after cleasning and every evening after your exfoliating toner.
Anything that is paraben and mineral oil free, Origins and balance Me are good brands for not containing nasties, just pick the cream based on your skin type, also it is best to use a cream with no SPF and use a separate sunscreen, as sunscreen has active ingredients, if you use it combined with your cream, the SPF ingredients will just overtake the goodness in the cream, so you will get less benefits of the skincare product.
I am alternating between Origins Clear Improvements and Argiletz Pink Clay Mask and use them 1 -2 times a week, they help clear my skin, you may find that a few small spots might pop up after using for the first time, but it is just the clay and charcoal drawing out the impurities, after a few uses you should get  a  clearer complexion.
 Oil Treatments
Balance me Radiance Oil really effective spot treatment, radiance improver, helps  tone and moisture levels - basically a hero must have product, use after moisturiser.

Thanks for reading 


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